Gentle Lanes Wales become affiliated with ATUK


All Terrain UK is pleased to announce our affiliation with Gentle Lanes Wales who are a responsible and reputable organisation with great knowledge and presence in wales.

GLW will be assisting us in keeping SmartTrail up-to-date using their expert local knowledge.

The Gentle Lanes Wales Admin team said……. “Gentle Lanes Wales is a green laning community that was originally set up for a small group of friends to plan and share laning adventures at the beginning of 2019.

The group has grown immensely since and we now have in excess of 900 active members. Our community shares laning experiences with one another and offers valuable local knowledge to anyone that requires it so our members can plan trips that are suitable to their individual requirements. The Gentle Lanes Wales admin team organise laning events for its members throughout the year and by doing so helps to raise money to support charities such as 4×4 Response Wales. The group prides itself at being a pleasant, friendly and respectful community.   Gentle Lanes Wales is delighted to become an affiliated group of All Terrain UK and are looking forward to adding additional data about lanes to SmartTrail and then using it to help members plan their future adventures.”

If your club is interested in becoming affiliated with All Terrain UK, Green Lanings newest and most progressive organisation that’s dedicated to its members and the responsible use of lanes, then don’t hesitate to get in touch with us.

The Gentle Lales Wales Facebook page can be found here.





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Brad Unwin

Brad Unwin

Director & Founder Marketing, Membership, Facebook & Website

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