This event was a little different to our usual ones
Firstly it was a joint venture between ATUK and our local classic car clubĀ banger town classics so we had a great selection of “car people” attending.
P+A woods is a world renowned rolls royce and bentley dealer and repairer family owned and nestled right in the centre of the essex village ofĀ great easton, they carry out virtually all of their restoration processes on site and have a wealth of knowledge and experts in every field of restoring and repairing vehicles of any age.
18 attendees arrived just before 10 am and once signed in were given complimentary tea/coffee and biscuits, once everyone was gathered together our tour leader keith [who had worked there for 41 years!] proceed to take us around the various buildings that make up p+a woods. So starting in the general service and repairs area we then went on to the main garage which housed untold beautiful cars, some in absolute perfect condition and some in mid restoration. work was being carried out and we had opportunity to chat with the guys who were working on them, for example there was three guys detailing a chassis by painting the bolts with an artists brush!
Cars are brought into a bespoke building where they are valeted, a process with over 24 operations, suffice to say the finish is fabulous!
Once we left the main building we were shown the paint shop and the seat repair shop, alongside chassis repairs and vehicles that had been stripped of all of their paint by hand in preparation for repairs and paint, no stone is left unturned and its not unusual for restorations to take 3 years plus, the attention to detail is staggering!
The tour also includes the showroom areas that house cars that are brand new to the oldest, all for sale and as far as i could see perfect, the staff who work there are super friendly and really happy to chat, very informal and clearly love their jobs and the people they work for.
Anyone can ask for a tour which is free of charge and lasts over 2 hours, they are however bookedĀ for over a year so please bear that in mind if your planning on going.
Around 12 of us after having said our thank you’s to p+woods went for lunch at a local pub which finished the day off brilliantly.
i would like to say a personal thanks to everyone who attended and to everyone at p+a woods who made our visit so enjoyable.